More than 20 years of service
Since 2000, Lifetouch has organized 19 week-long trips, traveling to nine different destinations around the world for a week of intensive volunteer service.
By the numbers
- More than 6000 days of service
- More than 600 volunteers from 49 states and 5 Canadian provinces
- Photographed, printed and hand delivered 6,000 student and family photos
- Ran 2,100 miles (that’s like running from Chicago to Los Angeles) in four years to raise funds for trips
What’s Next:
At Lifetouch, we are committed to supporting the communities where we live and work. We believe in the power of partnership with the communities and organizations where we do business. And we believe that embedding social impact into our go-forward business objectives maximizes our impact. Stay tuned to learn more about the next chapter of social impact work at Lifetouch.
A look at past trips
2023 – Guatemala
Volunteers traveled to Guatemala to help a rural community build a more environmentally responsible school out of plastic bottles and inorganic trash. In addition to building the school, volunteers took personal portraits of the community’s K-6th grade school children. The photos were delivered in person on the last day of the mission trip. The photos were the first-ever professional portraits taken within this community.
2019 – Puerto Rico
Lifetouch and Shutterfly employees and educators traveled to Juncos, Puerto Rico, to work side-by-side with Puerto
Ricans rebuild a school damaged by Hurricane Maria last year.
2011, 2012, 2014-2018, 2020 – Dominican Republic
Joined by educators from around North America, Lifetouch Missions have built two school campuses in Constanza, Dominican Republic. The teambuilt four two story buildings and a cafeteria, which provides space to learn and grow to more than 500 students.
2010 – Arizona
Volunteers traveled to the Navajo Nation to construct a footbridge to connect two parcels of land divided by a deep
ravine so children could get to school safely. The original footbridge had deteriorated so schoolchildren were
walking along the nearest highway to get to school.
2007 – Haiti
Volunteers traveled to Haiti to build a school in Fosse Capois. The team helped raise funds and enough money was
received to build the Lifetouch Family School. Additional donations received were used for a lunch program and
wells for clean water. Since 2000, Lifetouch employee-volunteers have built K-8 schools in twelve Haitian villages.
2006 – New Orleans
Lifetouch Memory Mission volunteers provided on-site assistance to victims of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. The
team assisted with clearing debris and rebuilding efforts.
2003, 2004 – Appalachia
Volunteers spent time in West Virginia (2003) and Tennessee (2004) repairing homes. Many homes were deteriorating
and lacked running water, central heating and other basic necessities. Additionally, Lifetouch set up complete
portrait studios in community centers, where families gathered to have their portraits taken, most of them for the
first time.
2002 – Jamaica
Lifetouch Memory Mission volunteers traveled to Catadupa, Jamaica, for a week to construct a new roof for an early
childhood education and care center. The center provides shelter, protection and food for children whose parents
worked several hours away.
2000, 2001 – Kosovo
The Lifetouch Memory Mission has taken volunteers twice to help the elderly and widowed rebuild their homes in a
village ravaged by war in Kosovo. The volunteers also took portraits of community members to be used for
identification cards.